
NIH and NINR Grant Programs

NINR funds scientific research in nursing and related health sciences to improve people’s lives. Research results inform nursing practice, policy and advance health care across the lifespan. NINR-supported researchers explore and address important health care challenges and disparities, such as chronic diseases and conditions, aging, sex/gender differences in health outcomes, and palliative and end-of-life care.

NINR’s mission and strategic plan guide funding decisions. NINR staff also take into consideration guidance from the National Advisory Council for Nursing Research, Congressional mandates and other scientific forums when deciding which applications to fund.

A broad range of NINR-funded grant programs support basic, applied and translational nursing research. Many of these grant programs provide opportunities for new investigators, as well as seasoned scientists. NINR’s earliest-stage research, Exploratory/Developmental Research (R21), provides an excellent opportunity for scientists to investigate a promising idea that has not yet been fully developed. If you are considering applying to this program, please contact an NINR Program Director to discuss your project ideas.

The Division of Extramural Science Programs (DESP) serves NINR’s external extramural research community by supporting and managing a portfolio that includes a mix of research projects. In addition, DESP is responsible for NINR NIH intramural research programs and provides career development opportunities for pre- and postdoctoral students.

NINR is committed to advancing scientific research that addresses the most pressing health challenges, promotes a culture of diversity and inclusion, and addresses health disparities. To accomplish this, NINR supports a broad spectrum of nursing and related science that is responsive to people’s health needs, including the intersection of the physical, emotional, and social aspects of their lives. This holistic approach to understanding and improving health outcomes is reflected in the Institute’s Strategic Plan 2022-2026.

In a time of limited resources, NINR strives to maximize the impact and value of our investments. NINR allocates its resources among investigator-initiated applications, applications submitted in response to NINR and NIH funding opportunity announcements (FOAs), and research training and career development applications. In making funding decisions, NINR considers scientific merit, the impact on nursing and related science, alignment with NINR’s Research Framework, and the advancement of diverse perspectives. NINR will continue to be flexible and adaptable in the face of changing health science challenges.

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